WeatherOnline does not leave you out in the rain. Welcome to our mobile weather channel - it's premium, it's free!

Use your handheld computer, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) to access current conditions, forecasts, and specialized weather reports for thousands of locations worldwide and many more directly and real-time via the internet. Our PDA pages are optimized for these devices and services will be constantly expanding.

If your handheld uses a html based browser and has direct access to the internet using a gsm or gprs data modem, such as most newer PDA's or the Nokia Communicator, all you have to do is to simply bookmark our PDA WeatherOnline pages at: https://pda.woweer.nl.


The snow is always better on the other pist? Check it out and bookmark Mobile Snow Reports from any mobile device.

For technical assistance or if you should have any questions about our service, please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected].